KX3 Muzzle Caps and Suppressor Caps

The Noveske KX3 is one of the best things to happen to AR15's in a long time. The only downside may be that, being larger in diameter than the standard flash hider,
unwanted things can more easily find their way into the bore. These muzzle caps fit tightly over the end of the KX3 and stay put until you either shoot it off or remove
it by hand (hard to do without passing the hand over the muzzle, make sure the rifle is unloaded with the bolt locked back when installing or removing the muzzle cap).
They may have to be finessed on a bit; in order for them to stay put, they had to be of a size that wouldn't just fall on. I have shot many of these off and they tend
to go straight downrange to various distances up to 50 yards but keep in mind that anything can happen and although I have not seen it, don't bet on one not going
The Suppressor Caps are for 1 1/2" suppressors.
Noveske Rifleworks is a great company to deal with and has a line of truly top-quality, cutting-edge products for the AR15, check them out at
You can PayPal me the funds using my email, metalmaster@m-guns.com, or send a check made out to Michiguns to:
Box 42
Three Rivers, MI 49093